Quick Check List

1. Title

  • Includes no abbreviations.
  • Running title is no longer than 60 characters including spaces.

2. Abstract

  • Contains the research background, main results, and conclusion.
  • Contains no references.
  • Contains no abbreviations unless they are used more than once.
  • Does not exceed 250 words.

3. Main text

  • The first line of the first paragraph in each section is left-justified.
  • Figures are cited as ‘Figure X’ in regular font (e.g., Figure 1B, left).
  • Multiple figure panels are cited by separating each with a comma and without ‘and’ (e.g., Figure 1A, B, C).
  • References with three or more authors are cited with the first author’s surname, ‘et al.’ in regular font with no comma, and the publication year (e.g., Yang et al. 2004).

4. Tables

  • Have brief captions without a period at the end.
  • Have footnotes including essential information.
  • Present mean values with the standard deviation (SD) or the standard error (SE).

5. Figures

  • No more than a width of 8.6 cm for single-column and 17.8 cm for double-column, and not higher than 24 cm.
  • Each panel is presented as A, B, C in capital and bold letters (point size 12) without parenthesis, which are indicated at the left top corner.
  • Use a sans serif font, such as Arial, at point size 8. The font size should not be smaller than 6.
  • Use RGB color rather than CMYK.
  • Include scale bars in photographs.
  • Draw scale lines clearly on the X and Y axes of graphs.
  • Have brief captions.

6. References

  • Journal names are in italic font, and volume numbers are in regular font.
  • Avoid using unnecessary periods or commas (see the latest issue of Plant Biotechnology for the standard style).

7. Others

  • Insert a space between values and units (e.g., 2 m, 50 μM). In the case of percentage or temperature, no space is included (e.g., 10%, 4°C).
  • Sequences of genes, cDNAs, genomes, proteins, and sequencing reads should be registered at INSDC organization databases (DDBJ, GenBank, or EMBL), and accession numbers indicated.